KAWUNG LABS Приложения

Olimpiade UI App 2.0
Olimpiade UI App merupakan aplikasi buat kamupara atlit dan penikmat Olimpiade UI (ajang olahraga terbesar diUniversitas Indonesia) untuk bisa mendapatkan informasi mengenaiOlimpiade UI langsung dari smartphone kamu. Aplikasi inimenyediakan informasi mengenai jadwal pertandingan, hasilpertandingan, dan perolehan medali setiap fakultas dengan tampilanyang menarik dan intuitif. Ayo rasakan maraknya suasana OlimpiadeUI dengan terus update sama informasinya melalui smartphone kamu!** FITUR **+ Informasi jadwal pertandingan (past/upcoming)+ Informasi hasil pertandingan (group/knockout)+ Informasi perolehan medali+ Filter untuk melihat informasi fakultas tertentu+ Tweet untuk berbagi informasi melalui Twitter+ Swipe to refresh** UPDATE OLIMPIADE UI APP v2.0 - 6 NOVEMBER 2015 **+ Update keseluruhan tampilan+ Penambahan fitur swipe to refresh** UPDATE OLIMPIADE UI APP v1.1 - 17 NOVEMBER 2014 **+ Bug fixing+ Update tampilan jadwal dan hasil untuk cabang olahraga Atletik,Renang, dan Taekwondo+ Penambahan tab default (group/knockout) pada halaman hasil untuksetiap cabang+ Perpindahan pertandingan dari 'upcoming' ke 'past' sesuai waktuselesai** NOTE **Jika terjadi masalah pada tampilan setelah melakukan update,uninstall terlebih dahulu, kemudian install kembali.Olympic UI App is an appfor you athletes and Olympic lovers UI (the largest sporting eventin the University of Indonesia) to get information about theOlympic UI directly from your smartphone. This application providesinformation about game schedules, results, and medal counts everyfaculty with an attractive appearance and intuitive. Come feel theOlympic atmosphere rise continuously update the UI with the sameinformation through your smartphone!** FEATURES **+ Information fixture (past / upcoming)+ Information result of the match (group / knockout)+ Information medals table+ Filter to see information specific faculty+ Tweet for sharing information through Twitter+ Swipe to refreshOLYMPICS UPDATE ** v2.0 UI APP - 6 NOVEMBER 2015 **+ Update the overall appearance+ Addition swipe feature to refreshOLYMPICS UPDATE ** APP UI v1.1 - 17 NOVEMBER 2014 **+ Bug fixing+ Update the look of schedule and results for sports Athletics,Swimming and Taekwondo+ Addition default tab (group / knockout) on the results page foreach branch+ Transfer of the game from the 'upcoming' to the 'past' fit thefinish time** NOTE **If there is a problem on the display after the update, uninstallfirst, then reinstall.
Rumah Sakit Jakarta 1.3
Ver 1.3Bingung mencari Informasi Rumah Sakit di Jakarta? Rumah SakitJakarta solusinya. Dapatkan informasi Rumah Sakit di wilayah DKIJakarta secara mudah dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini.Fitur Rumah Sakit Jakarta:1. Cari Rumah Sakit terdekat di sekitar lokasi Anda berada ataupunberdasarkan Nama, Jenis, ataupun Kota.2. Detail Rumah Sakit lengkap mulai dari alamat sampai dengan nomorfax Rumah Sakit.3. Dapatkan Informasi Rumah Sakit yang menerima layanan BPJS.4. Ketahui Jadwal Dokter untuk Rumah Sakit tertentu.5. Bagikan detail Rumah Sakit kepada teman atau kerabat yangmembutuhkan.6. Laporkan detail Rumah Sakit yang tidak sesuai melalui layananLAPOR!7. Hubungi Rumah Sakit secara cepat melalui informasi No.Telepon,E-Mail, ataupun Website yang tersedia.8. Emergency Button untuk pencarian RS secara cepat.+ tema material design dari Android Lollipop+ menggunakan Google Map terbaru v2+ data Rumah Sakit di ambil langsung dari data.idFitur yang sedang dikerjakan ( untuk versi berikutnya ):1. Cek ketersediaan fasilitas Rumah Sakit.ver 1.3Confused looking Hospital Information in Jakarta? HospitalJakarta solution. Get information Hospital in Jakarta is easy byusing this application.Features Hospital Jakarta:1. Locate the nearest hospital around your location situated or byName, Type, or State.2. Details Full Hospital at address up to the fax numberHospital.3. Get Information Hospitals that receive services BPJS.4. Go to the Hospital Doctor Schedule certain.5. Share details Hospital to friends or relatives in need.6. Report details Hospitals that do not fit in with the serviceREPORT!7. Contact Hospital information rapidly via Telephone, E-Mail, orthe Website are available.8. Emergency Button to quickly search hospital.+ Theme of Android Lollipop material design+ Google Map using the latest v2+ Data Hospital taken directly from data.idFeature that is being done (for the next version):1. Check availability Hospital.
NaikApa 1.3
Aplikasi yang membantu kamu untuk bepergiandengan angkutan umum seperti bus, kereta, TransJakarta, dan angkot.Saat ini data yang tersedia hanya untuk area DKI Jakarta.
Hand Dance 0.1
Hand dance is a revolutionary game with anewway to play music game.Still in beta version. More features and fun to come.
Space Explorer 1.0
One day, an Indonesian spacecraft SE-XIItookoff to the space in order to discover other planets andspaceobjects. However, the spacecraft lost its navigational controlandwent into malfunction state. As the situation got worse,theastronouts called for help in Earth.Having some sort of skills required for remote controllingthespacecraft, you are invited to the office to help them. Nowit'sthe time : take the chance to save the mission and exploretheouter space with the spacecraft, beyond Kuiper Belt!Features :- Endless runner game that easy to play, yet hard to master- Low specification required, giving you more game to be playedinyour legacy devices- Unlock the space objects to get mini encyclopedia- No internet connection required, at all- ...and more to come in upcoming update!
LogMee 1.2
LogMee is an activity log documenting appforAndroid. With LogMee, you can make simple logs for youractivityand save it in your phone. Enjoy the easiness of makinglogs yourway.In each log, you can save log titles, description, yourlocation,and a media image/speech.LogMee also gives you ways to share your logs with peopleviaemail, social network, etc.LogMee is still in beta, To help us improve. Please contact usatkawung.labs@gmail.comKey Features:- No registration needed- Create, and edit Activity.- Add logs to activities.- Add images, speech, gps coordinates to logs.- Share activities with friends via email, socialnetwork,etc.- A widget to help you add logs faster.- Full Offline!
The Howl 1.0
Suatu hari, bumi di invasi oleh paraalien.Semua kekuatan militer manusia kalah melawan teknologi majuyangdimiliki oleh para alien. Para alien sangatlah kuat, baik darisegifisik maupun teknologi. Semua makhluk bumi kalah dalampeperangan,sehingga dijajah oleh para alien.Seekor kelelawar coklat menemukan cara untuk mengalahkan paraalientersebut. Alien ternyata lemah dengan gelombang suara khususyangdikomposisi sedemikian rupa hingga bereaksi dengan badan alienyangakan menyebabkan alien meledak!Karena tidak ingin memperlihatkan identitasnya, ia membuatsebuahtopeng untuk menyamarkan mukanya dan mulai berjuang melawanalien,dengan nama "The Howl". The Howl adalah seekor Super Herobaru yangberjuang mempertahankan bumi dengan melawan alien yangtelahmenginvasi bumi.Gerakan smartphone untuk mengontrol Howl, hindari seranganmusuhserta serang musuh utama dengan meneriakkan suaramu yangterkencangke smartphone!One day, in theinvasionof Earth by aliens. All human military force defeated byadvancedtechnologies possessed by the alien. The aliens are verystrong,both physically and in terms of technology. All thecreatures ofthe earth lost the battle, so it was colonized by thealien. A brown bats find a way to defeat the aliens. Alien was weakwithspecial sound waves that are composed in such a way to react toanalien entity that will lead to an alien explode!Because it does not want to reveal his identity, he made amaskto disguise his face and began to fight against aliens, withthename "The Howl". The Howl is a new Super Hero fighting todefendthe earth against aliens that have invaded the Earth.Howl smartphone to control the movement, avoiding enemyattacksand attack the main enemy by shouting the loudest voicetosmartphones!
Hiking Cam 1.1
An application that capture meaningfulhikingmoment by combine the captured photo with its location.Thelocation is consist of address and altitude.Cannot connect to the internet during the hiking? Don'tworry.You can capture the photo during the hiking and connect totheinternet later.
Clap2Cam (Clap Enabled Camera) 1.2
A simple application that enables you to takeapicture of your self (selfie) with a single clap. You dont needtopress a button anymore when you are away from thecamera.Clap2Cam!
Color Hunter 1.0.2
Booboo is a little bear who loves eatinghoney.He is studying alphabets and color. Let's help him tocollect therandom letters and place it to the honey jars. Collectall theletters needed as printed on the honey jar. If you havecollectedall the letters, capture anything that has the same coloras writtenon the honey jars.Keep helping Booboo. There are some obstacles waiting foryou.Don't let the letters touch the obstacles or you will losetheletters.Enjoy the game!Recommended Resolution : 800 x 480Any problem? Please contact us at kawung.labs@gmail.com
You Are The Master 1.0
How fast can you calculate math problem?howwell are you with uncomfortable situation? how about we testbothof that thing with this game?Introducing WE ARE THE MASTER.Count while moving your hand and find the right number.